Tags - Confusion

Young journalists club

Tags - Confusion
Monday, 19 October 2020_There is deep confusion over the status of UK-EU trade talks after Downing Street said that talks are “over”.
News ID: 48753    Publish Date : 2020/10/19

Saturday, 05 September 2020_Those travelling to the UK from Europe remain confused as Wales and Scotland slapped a 14-day quarantine on arrivals from Portugal but England and Northern Ireland held back from restrictions.
News ID: 47748    Publish Date : 2020/09/05

Tehran 4 February _Significant delays in announcing the results of Democratic caucuses in the US state of Iowa have caused confusion as Americans kicked off the first closely-watched vote to choose a November election challenger to Republican President Donald Trump.
News ID: 45072    Publish Date : 2020/02/04