Tags - cruel

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Tags - cruel
Thursday, 25 March 2021 _Iran’s envoy to the United Nations says the United States’ cruel sanctions against Iranians will not get the US anywhere, pointing out that Washington is still violating the Iran nuclear agreement in spite of the Biden administration’s pro-diplomacy rhetoric.
News ID: 51141    Publish Date : 2021/03/25

Sunday, 13 December 2020_Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf says the Islamic Republic and Venezuela are pursuing a strategic policy, which is based on maintaining their independence while fighting the US hegemony and its cruel sanctions.
News ID: 49759    Publish Date : 2020/12/13

Monday, 26 October 2020_Iran says it will never forget how the United States’ outgoing regime acted as a “ cruel collaborator” of the new coronavirus by retaining its illegal and unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic at a time when the country is battling the hugely deadly phenomenon.
News ID: 48947    Publish Date : 2020/10/26

Saturday, 01 August 2020 _President Hassan Rouhani has expressed Iran’s determination to enhance friendly relations with neighboring Turkey in all fields despite cruel US sanctions on the Iranian people.
News ID: 47204    Publish Date : 2020/08/01

Tehran 31 january_The United States' " cruel " sanctions on the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) and its head, Ali Akbar Salehi, will fail to interrupt the Islamic Republic's peaceful nuclear program, says the nuclear body.
News ID: 45024    Publish Date : 2020/01/31