Tags - tragedy

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Tags - tragedy
Monday, 10 May 2021_As many as 25 people are reportedly either killed or injured after the bus carrying them in southern Afghanistan hits a roadside bomb, not long after several blasts kill scores of school children in the capital Kabul.
News ID: 51772    Publish Date : 2021/05/10

Sunday, 06 December 2020_Assistant US Secretary of State David Schenker has raised the possibility of Washington designation of Yemen’s popular Houthi Ansarullah movement as a terrorist group during a recent visit to the Persian Gulf state of Oman, its top diplomat confirmed.
News ID: 49655    Publish Date : 2020/12/06

Wednesday, 05 August 2020_The Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement has called for unity to overcome what it describes as “national tragedy ” following a deadly blast in Beirut.
News ID: 47294    Publish Date : 2020/08/05

Thursday, 30 July 2020_Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization and the Representative of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in Hajj Affairs have issued a joint statement ahead of the fifth anniversary of the Mina disaster and the Mecca crane collapse, saying Tehran is seriously pursuing the rights of victims.
News ID: 47180    Publish Date : 2020/07/30

Tehran 18 January_Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif warns against any attempt at taking political advantage of the recent tragedy involving unintentional shooting down of a Ukrainian passenger plane outside Tehran.
News ID: 44853    Publish Date : 2020/01/18