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Tags - request
Tuesday, 05 January 2021_Just a day after a UK court turned down a US plea to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the activist has already received pledges of support from two countries, with Australia’s prime minister declaring that Assange will be welcome back home and the Mexican president offering to grant him political asylum.
News ID: 50077    Publish Date : 2021/01/05

Saturday, 22 August 2020_Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson rejected the notion raised by some foreign media that a request from Washington has reinstated the UN sanctions against Tehran, saying the US will never achieve its illegitimate objective.
News ID: 47554    Publish Date : 2020/08/22

US President Donald Trump has postponed until next year plans for a military parade originally slated for November in Washington, DC, citing the increased cost of the event.
News ID: 27534    Publish Date : 2018/08/17

TEHRAN, July 09 - Germany's Finance Ministry said authorities are examining a request from Iran to repatriate hundreds of millions of euros in cash held in a Hamburg-based bank.
News ID: 25684    Publish Date : 2018/07/09

TEHRAN, June 12, YJC - A senior Qatari official says Qatar hosted the Taliban militant group based on a request from the United States, whose president, along with a number of Arab regimes, has been pressuring Doha over what they say is its support for extremist groups.
News ID: 10362    Publish Date : 2017/06/12

The FBI appeared to go beyond the scope of existing legal guidance in seeking certain kinds of internet records from Twitter (TWTR.N) as recently as last year, legal experts said, citing two warrantless surveillance orders the social media company published on Friday.
News ID: 7459    Publish Date : 2017/01/28