Tags - normal

Young journalists club

Tags - normal
Tehran, 01 June_The rallying cry of all these idiots through this pandemic is that we have to get back to " normal ." Everyone has to get back to normal . States have to reopen economies have to reopen.
News ID: 46323    Publish Date : 2020/06/01

TEHRAN, Sept 10 -Russia says the United States does not consider Moscow acting like a “ normal ” country because, unlike America, the Russian government does not bomb other countries or support coups in foreign lands.
News ID: 43609    Publish Date : 2019/09/10

TEHRAN, Jul 30 - A catheter-based method of clot removal treatment is continuing to show success in getting stroke victims back to normal , new research shows.
News ID: 42567    Publish Date : 2019/07/30