Tags - colombia

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Tags - colombia
TEHRAN, August 26 - Colombians are voting Sunday in a first-of-a-kind referendum that aims to curb corruption in a country where white-collar criminals are fast replacing drug gangs and paramilitary groups in penetrating the upper echelons of power.
News ID: 27925    Publish Date : 2018/08/26

TEHRAN, August 19 - The United States is sending a Navy hospital ship to Colombia to aid hundreds of thousands of migrants coming over the border to escape violence and hunger in Venezuela.
News ID: 27608    Publish Date : 2018/08/19

TEHRAN, August 16 - Colombia's government said Wednesday that 19 of the victims of a deadly bus crush in Ecuador were its citizens, as Quito lowered the overall death toll from the accident.
News ID: 27483    Publish Date : 2018/08/16

TEHRAN, July 14 -Colombia’s president-elect, Ivan Duque, named key ministers to his cabinet this week, announcing Carlos Holmes as foreign minister and Andres Valencia as agriculture minister on Friday.
News ID: 25920    Publish Date : 2018/07/14

TEHRAN, June 30 -Colombia coach Jose Pekerman voiced concern regarding star midfielder James Rodriguez following an injury at the 2018 World Cup.
News ID: 25212    Publish Date : 2018/06/30

TEHRAN, June 17 - Colombians choose a new president Sunday in a landmark election, the first since a peace agreement with FARC rebels which conservative frontrunner Ivan Duque wants to overhaul.
News ID: 24512    Publish Date : 2018/06/17

TEHRAN, June 17 - Colombians vote on Sunday in a deeply divisive presidential runoff that pits candidates offering polar opposite views and has stirred fears the winner will upset a fragile peace process or derail the economy.
News ID: 24493    Publish Date : 2018/06/17

TEHRAN, June 14 - More than one million people have migrated from crisis-hit Venezuela to neighboring Colombia during the past 16 months, according to figures released by Bogota on Wednesday.
News ID: 24344    Publish Date : 2018/06/14

TEHRAN, April 27 - As many as 6,500 university students took to the streets of Bogota Wednesday to demand reforms within the country's educational system.
News ID: 22176    Publish Date : 2018/04/27

TEHRAN, April 24 - Delivering a swansong address to the United Nations, Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos called Tuesday for a shift in the global approach to drug trafficking, which he described as the main threat to peace.
News ID: 22091    Publish Date : 2018/04/24

TEHRAN, March 12 -Conservative parties, who opposed the 2016 peace deal with the FARC, take lead in parliamentary elections.
News ID: 20433    Publish Date : 2018/03/12

TEHRAN, March 10 - US President Donald Trump will travel to the Summit of the Americas in Peru and then visit Colombia in April, the White House announced on Saturday.
News ID: 20369    Publish Date : 2018/03/10

TEHRAN, March 9 - Colombia's FARC said Thursday it is pulling out of the country's presidential race after its candidate, 59-year-old ex-guerrilla leader Rodrigo "Timochenko" Londono, suffered a heart attack.
News ID: 20310    Publish Date : 2018/03/09

TEHRAN, January 29 - Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos on Monday suspended peace talks with the Marxist ELN rebel group after a series of bomb attacks over the weekend killed seven and injured dozens.
News ID: 18544    Publish Date : 2018/01/29

TEHRAN, January 27 - At least three police officers were killed and 14 wounded on Saturday by an early morning bomb attack outside a police station in Colombia's coastal city of Barranquilla, authorities said.
News ID: 18460    Publish Date : 2018/01/27

TEHRAN, January 22 -A landslide in southwestern Colombia has killed 13 people on a small public bus in a rain-soaked mountainous area, authorities said Sunday.
News ID: 18199    Publish Date : 2018/01/22

TEHRAN, December 29 - At least 31 people have been injured after a grenade exploded at a popular nightclub in Colombia.
News ID: 17317    Publish Date : 2017/12/29

TEHRAN, November 17 - Venezuelan opposition leader Antonio Ledezma, who was detained in 2015 on allegations of coup-plotting but had been under house arrest in Caracas, has fled over the border to Colombia, authorities said on Friday.
News ID: 15863    Publish Date : 2017/11/17

TEHRAN, November 15 - Colombia’s constitutional court said in a ruling late on Tuesday that special justice tribunals outlined in a peace deal between the government and the Marxist FARC rebels are constitutional, ahead of a congressional vote on the subject.
News ID: 15775    Publish Date : 2017/11/15

TEHRAN, November 4 -Colombia and the United Nations have signed an important agreement aimed at stopping the production of cocaine in the South American country.
News ID: 15176    Publish Date : 2017/11/04