Tags - sit-in

Young journalists club

Tags - sit-in
TEHRAN, Jul 28 - Sudanese prosecutors on Saturday said the country's ruling generals did not order the deadly break-up of a protest camp last month, instead blaming the widely condemned dispersal on paramilitary forces who exceeded their orders.
News ID: 42499    Publish Date : 2019/07/28

TEHRAN, May 14 - Sudanese protesters said Tuesday that security agents loyal to ousted President Omar al-Bashir attacked their sit-in s overnight, setting off clashes that killed six people, including an army officer, and heightened tensions as the opposition holds talks with the military.
News ID: 39331    Publish Date : 2019/05/14

TEHRAN, Apr 15 - Sudanese protesters moved to block an attempt on Monday to break up a sit-in outside the Defence Ministry, where demonstrators have been pushing for a quick transition to civilian rule after President Omar al-Bashir was ousted, a Reuters witness said.
News ID: 37920    Publish Date : 2019/04/15