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Tags - isis
TEHRAN, July 9, YJC - Security forces in Iran’s northeastern province of Khorasan Razavi have expanded their investigation, arresting more people suspected of having ties to Daesh (also known as ISIL) terrorist group, a judiciary official announced.
News ID: 10979    Publish Date : 2017/07/09

TEHRAN, April 18, YJC - At least six Iraqi soldiers have suffered inhalation problems following a chemical attack launched by ISIS on Sunday. This is the second time in two days that the terrorists have used chemical agents to push back government forces in Mosul.
News ID: 9014    Publish Date : 2017/04/18

TEHRAN, April 4, YJC - "There's a great history between the countries of Iran and Hungary since there are no dark moments in our bilateral ties throughout centuries." said Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi.
News ID: 8666    Publish Date : 2017/04/04

Hujjat al-Islam Yaqoubi stressed that Takfirism is the greatest threat against Islam and Muslims urging Sunni and Shia scholars to unite in their fight against takfiri terrorists.
News ID: 7911    Publish Date : 2017/02/25

Estaban Santiago, the 26-year-old airline passenger accused of shooting up a baggage claim area at the Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood airport Friday, leaving five dead and eight injured, visited the FBI Anchorage field office and told officers he was being forced to watch ISIS (ISIL, IS, Daesh) videos, law enforcement sources told Fox News. The visit took place last November.
News ID: 7108    Publish Date : 2017/01/07

Police and medical officials in Iraq say at least ten people have been killed in a series of bombings and mortar strikes across the country as government forces and allied fighters press ahead with a massive operation to flush ISIS (ISIL, IS, Daesh) terrorists out of the northern city of Mosul.
News ID: 6808    Publish Date : 2016/12/25

BEIRUT, April 6 (Reuters) - Islamic State insurgents blew up an 80-year-old church in Syria's northeastern province of Hassaka on Easter Sunday, Syrian state news agency SANA said.
News ID: 6706    Publish Date : 2015/04/06

SYDNEY, Feb 2, 2015 (AFP) - Australia's foreign minister said Monday there is a danger of Islamic State jihadists expanding operations to Afghanistan, even though there is little evidence of a presence there now.
News ID: 6193    Publish Date : 2015/02/02

TOKYO, Jan 31, 2015 (AFP) - Japan's deputy foreign minister has said negotiations with the Islamic State group threatening to execute a Jordanian pilot and a Japanese journalist have become "deadlocked", local media reported Saturday.
News ID: 6167    Publish Date : 2015/01/31

Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim Jafari said Iran expects more help from Iran in its fighting against ISIS, IRNA reported.
News ID: 5685    Publish Date : 2014/12/08

Months after the president stepped in to save the Yazidis from genocide, the airstrikes have slowed to a trickle. Supplies have dried up. And ISIS is closing in on Mount Sinjar again. In August, the Obama administration intervened to stop what it called a pending genocide of Yazidi minorities in Iraq. Now the U.S. is gone, but the genocide continues.
News ID: 5435    Publish Date : 2014/11/05

Tehran, YJC. Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani appeared in a video-conference interview with CNN's Christian Amanpour on Tuesday evening to talk about Iran's policies on foreign as well as domestic affairs.
News ID: 5293    Publish Date : 2014/10/15

The US top military leader said he is concerned that ISIS could soon take the key city of Kobani located on Syria’s border with Turkey.
News ID: 5247    Publish Date : 2014/10/08

A small but steady flow of money to ISIS from rich individuals in the Gulf continues, say current and former U.S. officials, with Qataris the biggest suppliers.
News ID: 5124    Publish Date : 2014/09/21

Tehran, YJC. UN Secretary General Special Representative for Iraq Nikolay Mladenov held talk with the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in New York on Saturday.
News ID: 5118    Publish Date : 2014/09/21

Australia's foreign minister has urged UN Security Council members Russia and China to back an international coalition against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, saying that such action was "appropriate."
News ID: 5100    Publish Date : 2014/09/17

If the U.S. does nothing, the Arab world will continue its slide into sectarian bigotry, political repression, and madness. This will come back to haunt the United States.
News ID: 5090    Publish Date : 2014/09/17

(CNN) -- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Egypt had a critical role to play in countering extremism, as he met with Egyptian leaders in his latest effort to build regional support for President Barack Obama's strategy to combat ISIS.
News ID: 5057    Publish Date : 2014/09/14

The Obama administration may think it’s winning the fight against Al Qaeda and building democracy in Yemen. But that’s not the way it looks on the ground.
News ID: 4913    Publish Date : 2014/09/13

Terhan, YJC. Iran’s Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said on Monday that Iran is full command of its borders.
News ID: 4971    Publish Date : 2014/09/02