Tags - Sinjar

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Tags - Sinjar
TEHRAN, Mar 17 - The Iraqi government has started exhuming a mass grave left behind by Daesh in the northwestern Sinjar region, a report said.
News ID: 36919    Publish Date : 2019/03/17

Tehran, YJC. After breaking into the city, peshmarga are fighting the remaining Isil forces and moving toward Tal Afar to retake the second most strategic area after Mosul.
News ID: 5795    Publish Date : 2014/12/20

Months after the president stepped in to save the Yazidis from genocide, the airstrikes have slowed to a trickle. Supplies have dried up. And ISIS is closing in on Mount Sinjar again. In August, the Obama administration intervened to stop what it called a pending genocide of Yazidi minorities in Iraq. Now the U.S. is gone, but the genocide continues.
News ID: 5435    Publish Date : 2014/11/05