Tags - land

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Tags - land
Wednesday, 12 May 2021 _Whether it's turning forests into crop land or savanna into pastures, humanity has repurposed land over the last 60 years equivalent in area to Africa and Europe combined, researchers said Tuesday.
News ID: 51795    Publish Date : 2021/05/12

TEHRAN, Mar 27 -A new report says Israel has so far occupied more than 85 percent or some 27,000 square kilometers of historical territories of Palestine in an expropriation process which still continues unabated.
News ID: 37198    Publish Date : 2019/03/28

TEHRAN, Feb 12 -"This is one more piece of evidence to add to the list, one more example of the effect we're having on the planet," ESF professor Jerrold L. Belant said.
News ID: 35330    Publish Date : 2019/02/12