Tags - consensus

Young journalists club

Tags - consensus
Thursday, 01 October 2020_The United States has postponed imposing sanctions on Belarus pending consensus by the member states of the European Union (UN) on the introduction of their own punitive measures against Minsk, a report says.
News ID: 48394    Publish Date : 2020/10/01

TEHRAN, December 23 - Spain's prime minister says the solution to the separatist crisis in Catalonia is forging a consensus shared by most Catalans regarding the region's status as part of Spain.
News ID: 33205    Publish Date : 2018/12/23

Tehran, YJC. -- A debilitating row with Russia at UN climate talks this week exposed a fundamental flaw in how decisions are taken -- the entire system balanced precariously on an ill-defined notion of consensus , observers say.
News ID: 1363    Publish Date : 2013/06/15