Tags - Sleep

Young journalists club

Tags - Sleep
TEHRAN, Feb 17 -Not getting enough sleep could lead to a heart attack, a new study says.
News ID: 35529    Publish Date : 2019/02/17

TEHRAN, Feb 13 - The vast majority of children with sleep apnea go untreated because they don't know they have it, a new study says.
News ID: 35396    Publish Date : 2019/02/13

TEHRAN, Jan 29 -Lack of sleep can cause existing pain to linger, opening up the door for opioid use and abuse, a new study says.
News ID: 34710    Publish Date : 2019/01/29

TEHRAN, Jan 26 -New research has dug deeper into the connection between lack of sleep and Alzheimer's disease.
News ID: 34570    Publish Date : 2019/01/26

TEHRAN, Jan 15 -Six hours: That's the minimum amount of sleep per night you need to help your heart stay healthy, new research suggests.
News ID: 34109    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, November 04 -The study included 356 athletes from Texas, age 19 and younger, who suffered a sports-related concussion. At their first clinic visit, 73 percent of the athletes had good sleep quality and 27 percent had poor sleep quality.
News ID: 31048    Publish Date : 2018/11/04