Tags - protected

Young journalists club

Tags - protected
TEHRAN, October 13 - The US military is reportedly seeking to expand its air force base at the expense of nature by cutting down a large swathe of green woodland in Poland, as part of a declared bid to reinforce the NATO alliance to counter an alleged “Russian threat.”
News ID: 30111    Publish Date : 2018/10/13

TEHRAN, YJC. The Bahram Goor Protected Area is in eastern Fars province. It is the main habitat of the Iranian zebra. Other animals such as goats, sheep, foxes, wild boar and lizard are also found the the area. The drought of years has endangered the area's species.
News ID: 5959    Publish Date : 2015/01/07

Tehran, YJC. Arasbaran protected area in East Azarbaijan.
News ID: 2850    Publish Date : 2013/12/02