Tags - Khashoggi

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Tags - Khashoggi
TEHRAN, November 21 -Washington Post publisher and CEO Fred Ryan has condemned President Donald Trump’s statement that the United States will remain a "steadfast partner" of Saudi Arabia despite the brutal killing of Virginia-based Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi .
News ID: 31801    Publish Date : 2018/11/21

TEHRAN, November 17 - The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the gruesome murder of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Arab kingdom’s consulate in the Turkish city of Istanbul last month, a report says.
News ID: 31631    Publish Date : 2018/11/17

TEHRAN, November 15 -The recent flare-up of violence in the besieged Gaza Strip was likely Israel’s contribution to a plot hatched by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to divert the world’s attention away from the Saudi assassination of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi , a report says.
News ID: 31563    Publish Date : 2018/11/15

TEHRAN, November 14 - Saudi Crown Prince attempted to persuade Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to start a conflict with Hamas in Gaza to divert attentions from the murdering of journalist Jamal Khashoggi , Saudi sources said.
News ID: 31536    Publish Date : 2018/11/14

TEHRAN, November 10 - A Democratic lawmaker at the US House of Representatives is reportedly planning to introduce a bill that bans Saudi Arabia from acquiring nuclear weapons in retaliation for the regime’s murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi .
News ID: 31296    Publish Date : 2018/11/10

TEHRAN, November 06 - Saudis have launched an online campaign to "Boycott Amazon and Souq.com" to take on the Washington Post over coverage of the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi , who wrote for the paper.
News ID: 31131    Publish Date : 2018/11/06

TEHRAN, November 05 - Saudi Arabia faces tough grilling at the United Nations Office at Geneva. The human rights session is expected to pose grave questions to Riyadh over a deadly Saudi-led war on Yemen as well as the recent killing of a dissident by Saudi agents in Turkey.
News ID: 31097    Publish Date : 2018/11/05

TEHRAN, November 04 - Saudi Arabia has released a prominent critic of the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman from jail amid an international outrage over the last month assassination of a dissident journalist, which many believe was ordered by the heir to the throne.
News ID: 31011    Publish Date : 2018/11/04

TEHRAN, November 03 - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says ongoing cooperation with Saudi Arabia against Iran is a greater priority and a larger problem than Riyadh’s “horrendous” murder of its critic Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey.
News ID: 30972    Publish Date : 2018/11/03

TEHRAN, October 31 - Lawmakers, human rights activists, academics and journalists from several European countries launched an international campaign to call for trial of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on charges of war crimes in Yemen and widespread human rights abuses in the kingdom.
News ID: 30881    Publish Date : 2018/10/31

TEHRAN, October 29 - Saudi Arabia's public prosecutor has traveled to the Turkish city of Istanbul and met with the city's Chief Public Prosecutor Irfan Fidan for deliberations on the killing of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi Arabian agents inside Riyadh's consulate there.
News ID: 30789    Publish Date : 2018/10/29

TEHRAN, October 29 - The United Kingdom was aware of Riyadh’s plans to capture Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi , and requested Saudi Arabia to cancel the mission, but the warning was ignored, the Daily Express newspaper reported, citing a UK intelligence source.
News ID: 30783    Publish Date : 2018/10/29

TEHRAN, October 27 -U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Saturday that the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi undermined Middle Eastern stability and that Washington would take additional measures against those responsible.
News ID: 30684    Publish Date : 2018/10/27

TEHRAN, October 24 -Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has condemned the murder of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi , saying perpetrating such a “heinous” crime would have been impossible without the support of the United States, a close Riyadh ally.
News ID: 30599    Publish Date : 2018/10/24

TEHRAN, October 24 -Turkey has reportedly shared “all the evidence” it has gathered in its investigation of a prominent Saudi journalist’s murder in Istanbul with the visiting CIA chief.
News ID: 30595    Publish Date : 2018/10/24

TEHRAN, October 22 -New CCTV footage has emerged, purportedly showing journalist Jamal Khashoggi and his fiancée Hatice Cengiz on the day the Saudi dissident disappeared.
News ID: 30526    Publish Date : 2018/10/22

TEHRAN, October 21 - The United Kingdom says that Saudi Arabia's explanation of how dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed inside the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul was not credible.
News ID: 30478    Publish Date : 2018/10/21

TEHRAN, October 21 - Germany's foreign minister is calling into question the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia, after the kingdom acknowledged that writer Jamal Khashoggi was killed in its Istanbul consulate.
News ID: 30461    Publish Date : 2018/10/21

TEHRAN, October 20 - Pressure is mounting on the administration of US President Donald Trump over its stance on the murder of Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey.
News ID: 30454    Publish Date : 2018/10/21

TEHRAN, October 20 -Australia has pulled out of an investment summit in Saudi Arabia in protest at the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi , Australian government minister said on Saturday.
News ID: 30419    Publish Date : 2018/10/20