Tags - Earthquakes

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Tags - Earthquakes
TEHRAN, Jun 9 -Scientists have figured out why earthquakes along mid-ocean ridges occur during low tides.
News ID: 40558    Publish Date : 2019/06/09

TEHRAN, Apr 27 - In states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, hydraulic fracturing wells are more common than wastewater injections.
News ID: 38510    Publish Date : 2019/04/27

TEHRAN, December 22 -New research suggests river erosions can explain the pattern of earthquakes faraway from plate boundaries, like the 4.4 magnitude quake that shook Eastern Tennessee last week.
News ID: 33157    Publish Date : 2018/12/22

TEHRAN, September 29 -At least 384 people have been killed by a powerful earthquake and tsunami that hit the Indonesian city of Palu on Friday, officials said, with the death toll expected to rise.
News ID: 29404    Publish Date : 2018/09/29