Tags - autism

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Tags - autism
Saturday, 12 September 2020 (YJC)_ Research has shown autistic kids develop better social skills if they own a pet and may prefer cats as pets because they have a ‘less intrusive glance,’ compared to the long gazes dogs make.
News ID: 47919    Publish Date : 2020/09/12

Tehran, 01 June_Hundreds of mourners have taken part in a funeral procession for a Palestinian with autism who was fatally shot by Israeli police in an incident that drew widespread condemnation and forced Israel’s new minister of military affairs to apologize.
News ID: 46318    Publish Date : 2020/06/01

TEHRAN, oct 29_Children with an autism spectrum disorder may be twice as likely to experience pain as kids without autism , a new study suggests.
News ID: 44079    Publish Date : 2019/10/29

TEHRAN, August 11 -In a new study, researchers at five institutions link 69 genes to autism , 16 of which they say have not previously been associated with autism risk.
News ID: 42902    Publish Date : 2019/08/11

TEHRAN, Jul 30 -New British research is bolstering the theory that elevated levels of sex hormones in the uterus could play a role in autism risk.
News ID: 42565    Publish Date : 2019/07/30

TEHRAN, Jul 28 -Lots of kids are picky eaters. But when eating habits in young children are extreme, it could be a sign of autism , researchers say.
News ID: 42473    Publish Date : 2019/07/28

TEHRAN, Jul 18 -The largest study of its kind, involving more than 2 million people across five countries, finds that autism spectrum disorders are 80 percent reliant on inherited genes.
News ID: 42101    Publish Date : 2019/07/18

TEHRAN, Jun 22 -The consumption of processed food by pregnant women may be linked to autism , new research suggests.
News ID: 40974    Publish Date : 2019/06/22

TEHRAN, May 12- Medical marijuana extracts appear to help children with autism , reducing their disruptive behavior while improving their social responsiveness, a new Israeli clinical trial reports.
News ID: 39185    Publish Date : 2019/05/12

TEHRAN, May 04 -Hormone-based treatment might improve social function in people with autism , a pair of new clinical trials suggests.
News ID: 38800    Publish Date : 2019/05/04

TEHRAN, Apr 13 -Autism rates have surged at an alarming rate in several states around the country since 2010, a new study says.
News ID: 37817    Publish Date : 2019/04/13

TEHRAN, Mar 05 -"In a study of more than 650,000 Danish children, there was no difference in the risk of autism in vaccinated and unvaccinated children," said lead researcher Anders Hviid.
News ID: 36315    Publish Date : 2019/03/05

TEHRAN, December 04 -Yet another study reveals that autism is far more common than once thought, with nearly 3 percent of American children diagnosed with the disorder.
News ID: 32428    Publish Date : 2018/12/04

A team of scientists in Dublin has found that a particular region of the brain reacts differently to stimuli in those with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
News ID: 7075    Publish Date : 2017/01/05