Tags - buffer zone

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Tags - buffer zone
TEHRAN, Aug 02 - The Syrian government has agreed to a truce deal in the country’s militant-held northwestern province of Idlib on condition that a buffer zone is created between army troops and foreign-sponsored Takfiri terrorists.
News ID: 42641    Publish Date : 2019/08/02

TEHRAN, Apr 20 - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has called for progress in stalled talks on a so-called buffer zone around militant-held Idlib province in the country’s northwest.
News ID: 38125    Publish Date : 2019/04/20

TEHRAN, September 22 - Russia and Turkey have reached a consensus on borders of a demilitarized zone in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, which is the last major stronghold of anti-Damascus militants, in an attempt to avert a possible full-scale offensive by the Syrian government against terrorists in the militant-held region.
News ID: 29114    Publish Date : 2018/09/22