Tags - biodiversity

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Tags - biodiversity
TEHRAN, Sept 24- Scientists have discovered several new bee species on Fiji, but researchers have also found evidence of increasing environmental pressures.
News ID: 43766    Publish Date : 2019/09/24

TEHRAN, May 23- As Earth's temperatures continue to rise, freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic are becoming unusually warm -- too warm for many native species.
News ID: 39753    Publish Date : 2019/05/23

TEHRAN, Apr 29 -Diplomats from 130 nations have gathered in Paris to validate a grim UN assessment of the state of Nature and lay the groundwork for a rescue plan for life on Earth.
News ID: 38634    Publish Date : 2019/04/29

TEHRAN, Mar 06 -By studying Wikipedia search patterns, scientists can gain insights into the distribution and movement of animal species.
News ID: 36384    Publish Date : 2019/03/06

TEHRAN, October 24 -"Our findings show that the future changes in northern species populations may be abrupt, giving rise to ecological surprises that are hard to predict," said researcher Risto Heikkinen.
News ID: 30602    Publish Date : 2018/10/24

TEHRAN, September 03 - "The current magnitude and unseen speed of change in nature may push species beyond their ability to adapt," ecologist David Bravo-Nogues said.
News ID: 28340    Publish Date : 2018/09/03

TEHRAN, August 27 -Tropical forests are home to a rich diversity of tree species. Scientists have previously argued competition among "natural enemies" explains the ecosystem's unique biodiversity . But new research suggests such an explanation is not sufficient on its own.
News ID: 28011    Publish Date : 2018/08/27