Saturday, 05 September 2020_The government announcement that the minimum age for drawing a personal pension in the UK is to rise to 57 in 2028 is viewed as a ‘kick in the teeth ’ during the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
TEHRAN, Sept 19_The teeth of the pink sea urchin never get dull, according to a new study that determined the creatures boast teeth that sharpen themselves.
TEHRAN, Jul 6 - By surveying the composition of great white shark teeth , researchers were able to trace the evolutionary origins of the mackerel shark family, Lamniformes, to a small benthic shark from the Middle Jurassic.
TEHRAN, Jun 19 -Today, hyenas are found only in the warmer climates of Africa and Asia, but new research suggests the scavengers roamed the Arctic during the last ice age.
A new study found that whereas brain size evolved at different rates for different species, especially during the evolution of Homo, the genus that includes humans' chewing teeth tended to evolve at more similar rates.