Tags - Venezuelans

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Tags - Venezuelans
Wednesday, 05 August 2020_ Venezuelans hail what they call their and Iran’s latest victory in the continuous struggle of tearing down the United States’ illegal blockade.
News ID: 47303    Publish Date : 2020/08/05

Following several weeks of scarcity of fuel in Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro has announced that the Islamic Republic of Iran is about to deliver a group of fuel-loaded ships to the Latin American nation to tackle the critical situation that has kept most gasoline stations unable to pump up the energetic resource to most Venezuelans customers.
News ID: 46174    Publish Date : 2020/05/20

TEHRAN, May 07 -Britain is denying millions of Venezuelans food and healthcare by blocking access to the South American country’s gold deposits at the Bank of England, says Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza.
News ID: 38960    Publish Date : 2019/05/07

TEHRAN, Mar 09 -Tens of thousands of Venezuelans are expected to take to the streets on Saturday as the nation continues to struggle with a major blackout that President Nicolas Maduro says is part of an “electric energy war” waged by the United States.
News ID: 36524    Publish Date : 2019/03/09

TEHRAN, December 30-Colombian authorities are investigating possible plots to assassinate President Ivan Duque that may involve Venezuelan nationals arrested carrying “weapons of war,” Foreign Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo said on Saturday.
News ID: 33457    Publish Date : 2018/12/30

TEHRAN, August 20 -Dozens of furious Venezuelan migrants fleeing economic misery in Venezuela for a new life elsewhere on Sunday defied rules requiring they hold a valid passport to cross the border from Colombia into Ecuador, and authorities appeared to be allowing it.
News ID: 27680    Publish Date : 2018/08/20