Monday, 30 November 2020_A Palestinian human rights group has expressed serious concern over the condition of sick Palestinian inmates in Israeli jails, saying many of them are facing death due to their exposure to deliberate medical neglect.
As the world marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Female Palestinian prisoners are regularly subjected to cruel, inhumane and/or degrading treatment.
Sunday, 18 October 2020 _The number of US prison inmates dying in the country’s more than 500 top jails has climbed by more than 8 percent since the last official figure was released in 2016, most of whom were those never convicted of their alleged crime.
TEHRAN, Jul 10 - This year alone the British media has run countless stories about the "deteriorating" conditions inside the country's jails. And now it is official.
TEHRAN, July 17 - The United Nations human rights office called on the Nicaraguan government on Tuesday to provide information on two activists missing since they were detained at the airport last week and to open all prisons to monitors.