Tags - joke

Young journalists club

Tags - joke
Sunday, 1 May 2022 (YJC)_ The unpopular president joke d about his low age and popularity at a press conference, telling reporters that you are the only group that is even lower in popularity than I am.
News ID: 56779    Publish Date : 2022/05/01

TEHRAN, Apr 04 - Political joke s about former US Vice President Joe Biden, a possible contender for the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination, are what could derail his candidacy, says an American political analyst.
News ID: 37409    Publish Date : 2019/04/04

TEHRAN, July 16 - The Iranian Foreign Ministry has dismissed as “a joke ” allegations that Russia has mediated indirect talks between Iran and Israel.
News ID: 26046    Publish Date : 2018/07/16

TEHRAN, February 6 - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has been ruffling feathers - and hair - in the European Parliament in Strasbourg with a bizarre display of affection for one his key lieutenants, Guy Verhofstadt.
News ID: 18965    Publish Date : 2018/02/06