Tags - hajj

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Tags - hajj
TEHRAN, August 21 - Muslims are celebrating Eid al-Adha as over 2 million pilgrims carry out the final rites of the hajj in Saudi Arabia.
News ID: 27705    Publish Date : 2018/08/21

TEHRAN, August 20 - Leader of Islamic Revolution Imam Khamenei sent a message to the Pilgrims of Hajj 2018.
News ID: 27650    Publish Date : 2018/08/20

TEHRAN, August 20 - More than two million Muslims from around the globe have converged in the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia to start this year’s Hajj pilgrimage.
News ID: 27639    Publish Date : 2018/08/20

TEHRAN, August 19 - More than 2 million Muslims have begun the annual hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.
News ID: 27578    Publish Date : 2018/08/19

TEHRAN, August 13 - Some 86000 Hajj pilgrims attended 245 Quranic circles held in the past few weeks at different halls of the Nabawi Mosque (The Prophet's Mosque) in the holy city of Medina.
News ID: 27333    Publish Date : 2018/08/13

TEHRAN, July 18 - In a ceremony of convoy, Iran began to send the first group of pilgrims to Saudi Arabia for Hajj.
News ID: 26124    Publish Date : 2018/07/18

TEHRAN, July 16 - A leader of Hindu extremist Bharatiya Janata Party has warned Indian Muslims that they would not be allowed to go on Hajj pilgrimage, if they create obstacles in the construction of Ram Temple on the site of Babri Masjid at Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh.
News ID: 26085    Publish Date : 2018/07/17

TEHRAN, July 12 - Iran’s Quranic Noor (light) Quranic Convoy that will be sent to Saudi Arabia next month will hold various Quranic programs during Hajj.
News ID: 25845    Publish Date : 2018/07/12

TEHRAN, June 24 -The Union of Tunisian Imams called on the Grand Mufti of the North African country to issue a fatwa (religious order) preventing Tunisians from going on Hajj pilgrimage later this year, saying the Saudi regime is using the Hajj revenues to pay for its wars on other Muslim nations.
News ID: 24863    Publish Date : 2018/06/24

TEHRAN, June 23 -Despite the lack of diplomatic ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia, around 85,000 Iranian pilgrims are going to go to the Hajj pilgrimage this year, an Iranian official said.
News ID: 24809    Publish Date : 2018/06/23

TEHRAN, June 23 - Syria has accused Saudi Arabia of “politicizing” the Hajj pilgrimage by preventing its nationals from travelling to the kingdom to perform the rituals for a seventh straight year.
News ID: 24795    Publish Date : 2018/06/23

TEHRAN, June 03 - Iranian and Saudi officials have reached an agreement on terms of this year’s Hajj rituals, said Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Seyyed Abbas Salehi.
News ID: 23795    Publish Date : 2018/06/03

TEHRAN, June 03 - Iranian Culture and Islamic Guidance Minister Seyed Abbas Salehi said the ministry has reached an agreement with Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Hajj and Umrah about the dispatch of Iranian pilgrims to Saudi Arabia for this year’s Hajj rituals.
News ID: 23778    Publish Date : 2018/06/03

TEHRAN, June 01 - The chairman of the Iranian parliament's Hajj and Pilgrimage Faction announced that the number of pilgrims that plan to participate in this year’s Hajj rituals in Saudi Arabia has increased by 5,000 compared to the last year.
News ID: 23699    Publish Date : 2018/06/01

TEHRAN, February 25 - Head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization Hamid Mohammadi said the country has sought an increased quota for the 2018 Hajj, adding that if the Saudi side agrees with it, 90,000 Iranians will make the pilgrimage this year.
News ID: 19843    Publish Date : 2018/02/25

TEHRAN, January 1 - Hajj officials from Iran and Saudi Arabia held their first round of talks for the 2018 Hajj pilgrimage earlier this week.
News ID: 17392    Publish Date : 2018/01/01

TEHRAN, November 6 - Head of Iranian Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization Hamid Mohammadi said that Iran and Saudi Arabia are going to hold talks on main Hajj late December.
News ID: 15306    Publish Date : 2017/11/06

TEHRAN, October 3 -Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the annual Hajj pilgrimage provides the best opportunity to thwart the propaganda campaign against the Islamic Republic.
News ID: 13610    Publish Date : 2017/10/04

TEHRAN, September 1 - Muslims are marking the day of Arafah. The occasion is an important part of the annual Hajj pilgrimage which draws thousands of Muslims to Saudi Arabia. In Iran’s capital Tehran, a ceremony has been held to mark the occasion.
News ID: 12590    Publish Date : 2017/09/01

TEHRAN, August 31 - Over two million Muslims from all over the world are performing the multi-stage Hajj pilgrimage at Islam’s holiest sites in Saudi Arabia.
News ID: 12576    Publish Date : 2017/08/31