Tags - boat

Young journalists club

Tags - boat
Refugee campaigners said Saturday that a boat carrying 153 asylum-seekers was in trouble off a remote Australian island, but the government said there were no significant incidents at sea to report.
News ID: 4493    Publish Date : 2014/06/28

Tehran, YJC. Rear Admiral says the IRGC is working to build boat s that go 80 knots.
News ID: 4144    Publish Date : 2014/05/11

Tehran, YJC. IRGC Naval Commander says its Ashoora boat s are equipped with simulators in 1-1 proportions.
News ID: 4066    Publish Date : 2014/04/30

The Australian navy has turned an asylum-seeker boat back to Indonesia without first informing authorities there, Indonesian police said Tuesday, as part of Canberra's hardline border policies that have angered Jakarta.
News ID: 3155    Publish Date : 2014/01/07

Tehran, YJC. -- A boat carrying around 100 suspected asylum seekers has sunk in the Indian Ocean, and Australian officials are hurrying to rescue passengers from the water.
News ID: 1927    Publish Date : 2013/08/20

Tehran,YJC. -- Indonesia's national police spokesman has confirmed the arrest of four suspects involved in last week's fatal asylum seeker boat sinking.
News ID: 1756    Publish Date : 2013/07/28

Tehran, YJC. -- Police detained four Indonesians allegedly involved in arranging an Australian-bound refugee boat which sank earlier this week, killing at least 15 people, a local police official said Saturday.
News ID: 1748    Publish Date : 2013/07/27