Tags - rohingya

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Tags - rohingya
TEHRAN, January 10 - Myanmar’s military has admitted its security forces and Buddhist villagers killed 10 Rohingya Muslims whose bodies were found in a mass grave in a village in troubled Rakhine state.
News ID: 17778    Publish Date : 2018/01/10

TEHRAN, January1- In the four months since the Myanmar military began a crackdown after Rohingya militants attacked an army base and police posts on Aug. 25, around 655,000 members of the stateless Muslim minority have fled the western state of Rakhine and crossed into neighboring Bangladesh.
News ID: 17380    Publish Date : 2018/01/01

TEHRAN, December 22 - A quarter of Rohingya children under the age of five who fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar suffer from potentially life-threatening levels of malnutrition, the United Nations said on Friday.
News ID: 17077    Publish Date : 2017/12/22

TEHRAN, December 14 - The international medical charity Doctors Without Borders says at least 6,700 members of the persecuted Rohingya Muslim minority group were killed in state-sponsored violence in Myanmar only in a period of one month beginning on August 25.
News ID: 16809    Publish Date : 2017/12/14

TEHRAN, December 7 - Rohingya refugees continue to flee Myanmar for Bangladesh even though both countries set up a timetable last month to allow them to start to return home, the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Thursday.
News ID: 16590    Publish Date : 2017/12/07

TEHRAN, December 2 - On Al-Aqsa Solidarity Day, activists condemn world ‘hypocrisy’ towards Palestine, Kashmir, and Myanmar's Rohingya community.
News ID: 16383    Publish Date : 2017/12/02

TEHRAN, November 27 - The United Nations Human Rights Council is expected to hold a special session on killings, rapes and other crimes committed by Myanmar’s security forces against persecuted Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine state.
News ID: 16225    Publish Date : 2017/11/27

TEHRAN, November 8 - Myanmar's senior Catholic priest Cardinal Charles Maung Bo on Wednesday urged Pope Francis to avoid using the term "Rohingya" during an upcoming visit, when he is expected to raise the humanitarian crisis the Muslim minority faces.
News ID: 15419    Publish Date : 2017/11/08

TEHRAN, November 3 - The United Nations children's agency, UNICEF, says life-threatening malnutrition has spread perilously among Rohingya child refugees who have fled Myanmar and entered Bangladesh.
News ID: 15166    Publish Date : 2017/11/03

TEHRAN, October 29 - Myanmar has arrested two journalists working for Turkish state media for allegedly flying a drone over the parliament building in Naypyidaw for reporting.
News ID: 14902    Publish Date : 2017/10/29

TEHRAN, October 28 - Bangladeshi health officials seek to launch sterilization programs to curb the number of Rohingya Muslim refugees.
News ID: 14814    Publish Date : 2017/10/28

TEHRAN, October 27 -US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has called on Mynmar's army chief to help end the deadly violence against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine state that has forced hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas to flee the country.
News ID: 14765    Publish Date : 2017/10/27

TEHRAN, October 26 - The world’s fastest-growing humanitarian crisis shows no signs of abating, two months after militant attacks triggered a military crackdown in Myanmar’s Rakhine State.
News ID: 14738    Publish Date : 2017/10/26

TEHRAN, October 25-Myanmar and Bangladesh have agreed to immediately halt the “outflow” of Rohingya Muslims into Bangladesh and take steps to return them to Myanmar.
News ID: 14658    Publish Date : 2017/10/25

TEHRAN, October 22 - Over 600,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees have fled Myanmar for Bangladesh since violence against the persecuted minority erupted in Rakhine state in August, the United Nations said.
News ID: 14524    Publish Date : 2017/10/22

TEHRAN, October 16 - At least 12 Rohignya Muslims, including six children, have been killed in yet another boat tragedy in waters off Bangladesh, which is reportedly dealing with a fresh influx of refugees fleeing Myanmar’s violence-torn Rakhine State.
News ID: 14258    Publish Date : 2017/10/16

TEHRAN, October 15 - Open letter from a Rohingya to Aung San Suu Kyi.
News ID: 14199    Publish Date : 2017/10/15

TEHRAN, October 14 - Burma’s military has launched an internal investigation into the actions of its soldiers in Rakhine state, from where hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims have fled in recent weeks.
News ID: 14148    Publish Date : 2017/10/14

TEHRAN, October 12 -Rohingya are not native to Myanmar and were brought by British colonialists, the country's powerful army chief told the US ambassador.
News ID: 14064    Publish Date : 2017/10/12

TEHRAN, October 9 -At least 12 Rohingya Muslims have died after their boat sank en route to Bangladesh.
News ID: 13897    Publish Date : 2017/10/09