TEHRAN, oct 11_While this year's vaccine is thought to be well-matched to strains expected to circulate, experts caution that in flu enza can be unpredictable -- especially after last year's two-wave season.
TEHRAN, Mar 02 - H3N2 viruses have accounted for a growing number of flu viruses detected across the country, and have become predominant in recent weeks in the South, Southeast and Midwest, the agency said.
TEHRAN, Jan 13 -Restocking vaccine supplies where they are actually being used would have a population-wide benefit by increasing the total number of vaccinated people. They would then be less likely to get sick and to infect others, reducing the overall flu wave, explained Keskinocak, a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Industrial and Systems Engineering.
TEHRAN, April 19 - One hundred years ago, an outbreak of in flu enza spread rapidly across the world, and killed more than 50 million—and possibly as many as 100 million—people within 15 months. The speed of the pandemic was shocking; the numbers of dead bodies overwhelmed hospitals and cemeteries.