Tags - united states

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Tags - united states
Tehran , 30 April _The coronavirus pandemic ended a decade of US economic expansion, but the Federal Reserve pledged Wednesday to use every tool it has to help fuel a recovery.
News ID: 45894    Publish Date : 2020/04/30

Tehran 28 April _Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif has reacted to recent reports that his American counterpart is preparing a legal argument that the US is still a participant to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, warning the American side that the Iranian nation is the sole party that can decide the country’s fate.
News ID: 45871    Publish Date : 2020/04/28

Tehran 28 April _The General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces says the presence of the United States and its allies in the West Asia region has been the source of insecurity for regional countries, warning that any provocative move by US forces will be met with Iranian Armed Forces’ categorical response.
News ID: 45870    Publish Date : 2020/04/28

President Hassan Rouhani says the United States’ illegal sanctions against Iran are at odds with the fundamental principles of human rights.
News ID: 45868    Publish Date : 2020/04/27

Tehran 24 April _The Iranian Foreign Ministry has summoned the Swiss ambassador, whose country represents the United Stats’ interests, to convey the Islamic Republic’s strong condemnation of the provocative and aggressive acts by the US Navy’s terrorist forces in the Persian Gulf close to the Iranian coastline.
News ID: 45837    Publish Date : 2020/04/24

Tehran 24 April _Russia has dismissed as “baseless” claims by the United States that the recent launch of Iran’s first-ever military satellite by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) violates a United Nations Security Council resolution endorsing the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers.
News ID: 45836    Publish Date : 2020/04/24

Tehran 21 April _President Donald Trump has said he will sign an executive order suspending all immigration to the United States as the coronavirus crisis deepens.
News ID: 45813    Publish Date : 2020/04/21

As sweeping stay-at-home orders in 42 US states to combat the coronavirus have shuttered businesses, disrupted lives and decimated the economy, protesters have begun taking to the streets to urge governors to rethink the restrictions.
News ID: 45777    Publish Date : 2020/04/17

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has hit out at the US for deciding to halt funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) amid the coronavirus pandemic, saying the world may now better realize Tehran’s long experience of bearing the brunt of Washington’s bullying that kills people.
News ID: 45764    Publish Date : 2020/04/16

Britain has not yet reached the COVID-19 peak which would allow for an easing of tight restrictions of movement, health minister Matt Hancock said on Saturday.
News ID: 45716    Publish Date : 2020/04/11

In New York City, an intensive care nurse treated patients for three days after she started displaying symptoms of COVID-19 - but couldn't get a test from her hospital.
News ID: 45691    Publish Date : 2020/04/09

Former US vice president and 2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden has called on the Trump administration to immediately lift Iran sanctions which have hampered Iran’s efforts to curb the coronavirus.
News ID: 45636    Publish Date : 2020/04/03

Tehran, 31 March_ The US death toll from the coronavirus pandemic climbed past 3,000 on Monday, the deadliest day yet in the country's mounting crisis, while New York cheered the arrival of a gleaming 1,000-bed US Navy hospital ship as a sign of hope in the city's desperate fight.
News ID: 45605    Publish Date : 2020/03/31

In the wake of the great escalation of January 2020, ultimately resulting in the retreat of United States forces, situated across Iraq, down to a few key bases around Baghdad that now come under regular rocket attack by local anti-occupation resistance groups, American strategic planners are confronted with only two choices: leave Iraq or launch a full-scale shock attack operation in the country's west and subsequent occupation of the area to regain the strategic initiative.
News ID: 45602    Publish Date : 2020/03/30

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has once again hit out at the United States for its refusal to lift Iran sanctions amid the deadly coronavirus pandemic, saying that Washington is upgrading its “economic terrorism” to a new level of “medical terror” against Iranians.
News ID: 45587    Publish Date : 2020/03/29

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif urges the United States to release innocent Iranian scientists jailed in horrific US facilities amid the pandemic of the new coronavirus.
News ID: 45572    Publish Date : 2020/03/27

The anti-terror Iraqi resistance group Kata’ib Hezbollah has held a military drill, dubbed ‘Hunting the Crow’, to prepare itself for battling occupying US troops after suspicious American activities recently.
News ID: 45568    Publish Date : 2020/03/27

An Iranian scientist detained by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has said that ICE’s handling of the coronavirus, COVID-19 outbreak may kill him along with many other inmates, according to a report.
News ID: 45565    Publish Date : 2020/03/27

Tehran 26 March_The United States has reported over 200 new deaths from the coronavirus outbreak, marking the deadliest day since the pandemic began in the country.
News ID: 45553    Publish Date : 2020/03/26

Tehran 24 March_The first of two US military hospital ships was dispatched on Monday (March 23) to boost hospital bed capacity as the number of US coronavirus cases swells.
News ID: 45538    Publish Date : 2020/03/24