TEHRAN, Sept 01 -What if health warnings about the dangers of smoking were on individual cigarettes? A new study suggests the move could reduce the number of people who light up.
TEHRAN, August 14 - Parents who smoke cigarettes put their children and others around them at risk for bronchitis, pneumonia and a variety of other ailments. But a new study offers another method to help them quit lighting up.
TEHRAN, Jun 27 -More than half of patients with cancer continue to smoke after diagnosis, but researchers said a new program greatly increased the number who are working to quit.
TEHRAN, May 30 - Tobacco kills eight million people each year, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned, ahead of World No Tobacco Day on Friday.
TEHRAN, May 15 - The organization on Tuesday released new guidelines recommending specific actions to reduce the risk for cognitive decline and dementia.
TEHRAN, Mar 12 -Smoking during pregnancy is never a good idea, but new research shows it might double the risk of a baby dying from sudden infant death syndrome.
TEHRAN, Jan 26 -Nearly half of cancer patients smoke, despite evidence that suggests quitting the habit will improve their treatment, a new study says.
TEHRAN, December 23 -Contrary to predictions, teen marijuana use declined in Washington state after recreational pot was legalized in 2012, a new study finds.