Tags - unconstitutional

Young journalists club

Tags - unconstitutional
Tuesday, 29 December 2020 _Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has called the extension of the term of the small assembly of opposition legislators “ unconstitutional ,” after opposition figure Juan Guaido extended its meeting into next year despite the election of a new parliament.
News ID: 49984    Publish Date : 2020/12/29

TEHRAN, Mar 07 -Chinese telecoms equipment maker Huawei Technologies sued the U.S. government on Thursday saying a law limiting its U.S. business was unconstitutional , racheting up its fight back against a government bent on closing it out of global markets.
News ID: 36454    Publish Date : 2019/03/07

TEHRAN, March 10- The National Rifle Association has filed a federal lawsuit seeking to block restrictions introduced by the newly-signed Florida gun control legislation, claiming it violates the Second Amendment.
News ID: 20335    Publish Date : 2018/03/10