Tags - deportation

Young journalists club

Tags - deportation
Thursday, 23 July 2020 _Newly leaked documents reveal that 1-year-old migrants were kept in US hotels before deportation .
News ID: 47048    Publish Date : 2020/07/23

TEHRAN, July 20 - A Vietnamese court on Friday ordered the deportation of an American student found guilty of "causing public disorder" during rare violent protests which caught the Communist authorities off-guard.
News ID: 26250    Publish Date : 2018/07/20

TEHRAN, March 23 - Human Right Watch (HRW) said Turkish forces routinely stop and send back groups comprising hundreds or thousands of displaced Syrians, opening fire on them on many occasions.
News ID: 20930    Publish Date : 2018/03/23

TEHRAN, February 25 - Thousands of people protested against Israel's plans to deport African refugees at a rally in Tel Aviv on Saturday.
News ID: 19831    Publish Date : 2018/02/25