Tags - Cape Town

Young journalists club

Tags - Cape Town
Thursday,22 July 2021 (YJC) _ A cyber-attack disrupted container operations at the South African port of Cape Town .
News ID: 52351    Publish Date : 2021/07/22

TEHRAN, August 5 - Patricia de Lille has quit as mayor of Cape Town , she said on Sunday, ending a bitter dispute within South Africa’s main opposition party that has tainted its image ahead of elections next year.
News ID: 26936    Publish Date : 2018/08/05

TEHRAN, February 21 - A tough water-saving regime and the generosity of farmers have given South Africa’s main tourist hub welcome respite from a severe drought and helped push back a dreaded “Day Zero” when Cape Town ’s taps are expected to run dry.
News ID: 19677    Publish Date : 2018/02/21

TEHRAN, February 5 - “Day Zero” is approaching as South Africa’s showcase city of Cape Town prepares to turn off most water taps amid the worst drought in a century. Tensions among the four million residents are highlighting a class divide in a country with one of the world’s highest rates of inequality.
News ID: 18889    Publish Date : 2018/02/05