Tags - ass joke

Young journalists club

Tags - ass joke
TEHRAN, February 3 - You can pick apart Piers Morgan's recent interview with Donald Trump for factual flaws, or mock Trump's "not a feminist" comment... or you can simply make anal sex jokes, like BBC Two did.
News ID: 18756    Publish Date : 2018/02/03

TEHRAN, February 3 - You can pick apart Piers Morgan's recent interview with Donald Trump for factual flaws, or mock Trump's "not a feminist" comment... or you can simply make anal sex jokes, like BBC Two did.
News ID: 18755    Publish Date : 2018/02/03

TEHRAN, February 3 - You can pick apart Piers Morgan's recent interview with Donald Trump for factual flaws, or mock Trump's "not a feminist" comment... or you can simply make anal sex jokes, like BBC Two did.
News ID: 18754    Publish Date : 2018/02/03