Tags - power outage

Young journalists club

Tags - power outage
TEHRAN, Jun 18 - Dozens of millions of people in South America have faced power outage following disruption in Argentinean power distribution network.
News ID: 40851    Publish Date : 2019/06/18

TEHRAN, Jun 17 - As lights turned back on across Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay after a massive blackout that hit tens of millions people, authorities were still largely in the dark about what caused the collapse of the interconnected grid and were tallying the damage from the unforeseen disaster.
News ID: 40789    Publish Date : 2019/06/17

TEHRAN, September 18 - Utility officials in New Orleans said 7,556 people were without power Monday due to a cat that wandered into a substation.
News ID: 28971    Publish Date : 2018/09/18

TEHRAN, September 16 - One million houses face power outage following Florence Typhoon in the US. 7 were killed as well.
News ID: 28871    Publish Date : 2018/09/16

TEHRAN, February 1 - Around 950 miners are trapped underground in South Africa after a power outage , according to the mine operator.
News ID: 18692    Publish Date : 2018/02/01