Israel troops break up sit-in protest held in solidarity with hunger strikers

Young journalists club

News ID: 9311
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 9:35 - 01 May 2017
TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Israel troops have forcibly broken up a peaceful sit-in protest held in occupied East Jerusalem al-Quds in solidarity with hunger striking prisoners in Israeli jails.
TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - According to the Ma'an News Agency on Sunday, Israeli police raided the sit-in which was being held outside the Damascus Gate in the city.

During the raid, Israel forces also took down tents which had been set up for the peaceful protesters and confiscated pictures of Palestinian prisoners. Several people were also detained. 

The Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate noted that 13 Palestinian reporters were wounded while attempting to cover the Israeli regime’s aggression against the demonstrators.

"This attack is just one of series of attacks committed by Israeli forces against journalists in an attempt to prevent them from exposing Israeli crimes. These attacks will not prevent journalists from delivering Palestinians' message to the world,” read a statement released by the group.

The syndicate also noted that the journalist’s cameras and equipment were confiscated by Israeli police.

Since April 17, over 1,500 Palestinian prisoners have gone on a mass hunger strike in protest at the conditions of Israeli prisons initially called for by former Fatah leader, Marwan Barghouti.

Palestinian inmates regularly stage hunger strikes in protest at Israel's administrative detention policy and their harsh prison conditions.

Source: Press TV
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