France better attend home issues: Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 87
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:45 - 18 February 2013
Ramin Mehmanparast has condemned the French statement calling for expansion of sanctions.

The Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesman blasted France intervention in Iran home affairs following the French Foreign Minister's statement on Iran's nuclear program and call for intensification of punitive measures as well as the false accusations of French Defense Minister against the Islamic Republic.

Ramin Mehmanparast asserted that the hypocrites claiming freedom of speech is no novel phenomenon and the Iranian nation understand these desperate activities, something which they demonstrated by their magnificent march on the 34th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution on February 10, 2013.

"We hope that, instead of interfering with the internal affairs of other countries, French authorities better work to correct the deplorable human rights situation, including acts of violence and torture against the own citizens, racial discrimination against refugees, and their killing in detention centers,” the FM Spokesman said.

Mehmanparast pointed to baseless comments by the French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, about Iran nuclear activities and expansion of sanctions against Iran, and said that "false perception of some Western countries that Iran will buckle to these pressures, and will abandon its fundamental rights is ludicrous, and it is better that the French government, instead of irrational behavior and comments, adopt a correct approach based on realities.”

He regarded the Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear activities as transparent and pointed to Iran's close and continuous cooperation with IAEA and said the roots of insecurity and instability in the region to be the Zionist regime and its Western supporters who provide them with arms arms to spread chaos.

Published: 1
Under Review: 62
18:59 30 November 1391
ok my brothe
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