TEHRAN, March 17, YJCA Secret Service laptop computer with potentially sensitive information has been stolen from an agent’s vehicle in New York City, according to law enforcement officials.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC)-The service said in a statement on Friday that it would not release any further details while an investigation was underway.
Cathy Milhoan, an agency spokeswoman, said agency-issued laptops "contain multiple layers of security including full disk encryption and are not permitted to contain classified information."
"The Secret Service requests anyone with information regarding this crime to please contact the New York Police Department and the US Secret Service New York Field Office," she added.
However, law informant officials told news agencies that the computer contained sensitive files, including floor plans and evacuation protocol for Trump Tower as well as information about the investigation into former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
One official told CNN that the Secret Service viewed the incident as a compromise of national security.
CBS News, also citing law enforcement sources, reported that the laptop contained important files on Pope Francis as well.
The agent herself also told investigators that the information on her computer could endanger national security.
The agent’s lapel pins that gave her access to security details protecting President Trump, Hillary Clinton, the pope and the United Nations General Assembly were also stolen from the car.
The stolen items were inside a backpack with the Secret Service insignia on it. The bag has since been found, but not the laptop, officials said.
scaled an outer perimeter fence of the White House then climbed over a vehicle gate and another fence near the East Wing.
The Secret Service said that it took nearly 17 minutes to capture the intruder last Friday night.
(press TV)