French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault in visiting Iran next week at top of an economic and political delegation.

The visit will coincide with a session of the Iran-France joint economic commission, said Iranian Ambassador to France Ali Ahani.
Ayrault will preside over the commission along with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad- Javad Zarif.
The P5+1 group of countries, comprising the United States, Russia, China, France and the UK plus Germany, signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran in July 2015, to lift sanctions on Iran in exchange for certain limitations on Iranian nuclear program.
Ahani said on Thursday that Iran now has the potential to become France’s permanent economic partner.
Recently, a seminar ‘Iran, a Market for Exploring Opportunities’ was initiated by French Hauts-de-Seine Department Chamber of Commerce and was attended by Ahani,
former French ambassadors to Iran a large number of French businessmen.
"Iran with strong economic infrastructure in industry, mine and trade could be a sustainable economic partner for France,” Ahami said in the seminar.
Iran and France signed 35 MoU and some agreements during Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s visit to France.
Regarding Iran as a secure partner and not just a market for exports by French companies would be an important factor for success of French companies in Iran, Ahani continued.