Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the presidential website comes under hacker attacks on a daily basis, while the cyberattacks had been carried out by a number of countries, including the US.
Peskov said that Russian media, banks and the Kremlin's website have repeatedly been hacked.
"As regards cyberattacks on our information systems, information resources, our media, our… banks, these attacks are not new: they have lasted for a long time… Of course, our relevant departments are doing everything necessary to ensure cybersecurity for critically important systems and other systems," Peskov said.
"The presidential websitecomes under attacks on a daily basis," he said, adding that the attacks' traces lead to European countries, the United States, Canada, China and India, sputnik reported.
On Sunday, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev told about cyberattacks on Russian information systems.