Different hacking groups conduct an average of 20 attacks against the computers of Germany's government every day, local media reported Friday.

The Bild newspaper reported citing the government response to the parliamentary request of Germany's Die Linke (The Left) party that at least one attack a week was conducted by security services of foreign countries.
Earlier in the day, German media reported citing officials from the country's Defense Ministry that about 47 million of hacking attacks had been registered by December 2016, while some 9 million of them had been classified as very dangerous.
The issue of hacking attacks against government networks in different countries has come under the spotlight in recent months after a number of US officials has claimed that Russia has affected the 2016 US presidential election, hacking the country's political institutions and individuals.
Moscow has repeatedly denied Washington's allegations it was behind the breach or that it had any desire to interfere with the US election.