US President Barack Obama says he could have won the White House again, and that he still believes in the message of hope and change he campaigned on in 2008.

"I am confident in this vision because I'm confident that if I — if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could’ve mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it,” Obama said in an interview posted on the podcast "The Axe Files" on Monday, produced by CNN and the University of Chicago.
"I know that in conversations that I’ve had with people around the country, even some people who disagreed with me, they would say the vision, the direction that you point towards is the right one,” he added.
In the November 8 presidential election, the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, who was backed by almost the entire mainstream American media, suffered a crushing defeat by Donald Trump, despite the fact that the Republican nominee’s campaign had been hit with many controversies since its inception in early 2015.
Electoral College members across the United States cast their ballots to affirm Trump’s victory last week. Trump needed 270 electoral votes to win the White House, but he received a total of 304. Two "rogue electors” broke from the Republican billionaire.
Clinton, however, secured nearly 3 million more votes than Trump in the final popular vote tally.
The outgoing US president said he could have defeated Trump if he had been able to run again.
"Losing's never fun," Obama said, speaking philosophically.
"I'm proud that I have tried to conduct myself in office to do what I think is right rather than what is popular, I always tell people don't underestimate the public humiliation of losing in politics," he added.
"It's unlike what most people experience as adults, this sense of rejection,” he stated.
Obama’s vice president, Joe Biden, also blamed Clinton’s strategy and lack of a clear vision for her loss.
He stated on Thursday that Clinton lost the election to Trump because she never knew why she was running for office.
(Press TV)