No aggressor dares to launch aggression against Iran, warns official

Young journalists club

News ID: 6774
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:59 - 22 December 2016
An Iranian official warned that no aggressor would dare to launch aggression against Iran.
No aggressor dares to launch aggression against Iran, warns officialChief of Staff of Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Mohammd-Hossein Bagheri noted that Iran is a secure country in the region while Middle Eastern countries are facing terrorism and insecurity.

"Our country is following all ideals set by late Founder of Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution. No threat is able to prevent Iran from the goal. I announce firmly that no aggressor would dare to launch aggression against Iran.”

The Iranian official continued that Iran has not been isolated and enjoys biggest share in regional processes.

"We are proud of manufacturing complex military and telecommunications equipment locally.”

In similar remarks on December 10, Iran's chief Armed Forces spokesman warned the United States against any possible act of aggression against the Islamic Republic, vowing a harsh response to enemies’ moves.

"If the US warmongers and their stooges carry out an immature and unprofessional act, they will definitely face the Iranian combatants’ tough response,” Deputy Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces, Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri, said.

"The current military and security conditions of the Persian Gulf are in such a way that the enemy’s forces and equipment are completely within the reach of Iran's military forces,” he added.

He emphasized that the Iranian military forces have "full dominance and control over the Persian Gulf region more than ever.”

Back in August, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the country’s Armed Forces must boost their preparedness to deter any enemy aggression.

"In the face of such an enemy, which seeks to undermine the country’s defensive prowess, the Armed Forces’ preparedness must be boosted to an extent that the enemy would not even dare to think about any aggression,” Ayatollah Khamenei stated.

In January, Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Navy arrested the crews of two US patrol boats that had trespassed into Iranian territorial waters. Iran released them after making sure that they had done so by mistake.

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