Iranian’s end Nowruz with nuclear celebrations

Young journalists club

News ID: 6667
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:59 - 03 April 2015
Tehrna, YJC. The streets of Tehran and other cities across Iran were the scene of public celebrations after the nuclear framework reached by Iran and 5+1.

Celebrations broke out in Tehran on Thursday night as a landmark framework agreement for a nuclear deal between Iran and world powers was announced.

Videos posted on social media showed cars driving through the streets of Tehran with honking horns and passengers clapping, Reuters reported.

Twitter posts described people dancing in the streets of north Tehran and passing out sweets. Some posted pictures of a small gathering in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In one video posted on Facebook, a group of women can be heard clapping and chanting "Thank you, Rouhani." in praise of President Hassan Rouhani.

The framework agreement is likely to boost Rouhani's popularity among the millions of young Iranians who voted for him in 2013.

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