Hamas reelects Khaled Meshaal as political leader: Official

Young journalists club

News ID: 647
Publish Date: 12:11 - 02 April 2013
TEHRAN, YJC.-- Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has reelected Khaled Meshaal for a new term as political bureau chief of the movement, a senior party official has said.
The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that the party's governing shura council reelected Meshaal as the political leader for another four years at a meeting in Egyptian capital Cairo late on Monday, AFP reported.

"The leaders of Hamas chose Meshaal," the official stated.

Hamas officials were in Cairo on Sunday and Monday to elect a new political office chief, and to discuss with Egyptian leaders reconciliation with the Fatah faction of Acting Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas.

In 2011, Palestinian factions of Fatah and Hamas signed a reconciliation accord to form a transitional unity government, which was supposed to pave the way for legislative elections before the end of May 2012. However, the process failed and is yet to be implemented.

On January 17 in Cairo, the two rival Palestinian factions agreed to revive consultations over the unity deal by the end of the month.

Hamas and Fatah have been at odds since the former won the Palestinian parliamentary elections in January 2006.

The Israeli regime reacted to the victory by imposing a blockade on the Gaza Strip. However Fatah set up headquarters in the occupied Palestinian territory of the West Bank.

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