Tehran, YJC. Iranian politician says that a speech which Netanyahu is going to deliver to the US congress is doomed to benefit Iran.
Iran's Presidential Office Political Deputy Hamid Abutalebi
says that the speech intended by the Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
to the US congress will end in favor of Iran.
It is said that Bibi’s speech will be an appeal to the US
against diplomatic relations with the Middle East country.
Many congressmen have said they will boycott the speech.
Abutalebi said that as the speech will expand chasms within
the US congress, the role of Iran will be emboldened.
There will come to exist some new chasm between the congress
and the government, he further observed.
Thirdly, he added, differences between the US and Israel will
grow, the official stated.
Fourth, EU-US disagreements will also grow wider, the senior
Iranian politician noted.