No deal better than bad deal: Leader on N talks

Young journalists club

News ID: 6250
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 13:30 - 08 February 2015
Tehran, YJC. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran spoke to a number of Iran's air force commanders on Sunday.
No deal better than any deal: Leader on N talks

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated that Iran would rather not sign any nuclear deal with western powers than make a deal that contradicts the interests of the country.

During an address to Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force commanders on Sunday, Ayatollah Khamenei said Iran agrees with the US on that no deal between Tehran and the P5+1 is better than a bad deal.

He reiterated that Iran would go only for a "good" deal.

The leader further stated that the country’s nuclear negotiators are trying hard to secure the removal of unjust sanctions against Iran during their discussions with the sextet.

"However, if they fail to do so, there are many ways inside the country to cut the edge of the impact of the US-led bans,” he asserted.

In order to reach a nuclear accord with the P5+1, the Islamic Republic has overtaken voluntary actions to help build trust with its Western negotiators.

The country has for example suspended its 20-pct. uranium enrichment as well as the development of centrifuges and nuclear facilities in Arak and Fordo.

The Supreme Leader pointed out that the Islamic Republic has acted logically in the course of the negotiations, while the other side considers blackmailing Iran.

In order to reach a nuclear accord with the P5+1, the Islamic Republic has currently suspended 20-percent uranium enrichment as well as the development of centrifuges and nuclear facilities in Arak and Fordo, said the Leader, adding that Tehran has acted logically in the course of the negotiations, while the other side seeks to blackmail the Iranians.

The Leader said he does not agree a negotiations procedure based on which the two sides would initially reach a general nuclear agreement within a certain timeframe and confirming the details later.

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the general points and technical details of any accord need to be agreed upon simultaneously.

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