Iranian parl. says to revoke Geneva deal in N talks fail

Young journalists club

News ID: 6223
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 17:38 - 04 February 2015
Tehran, YJC. Majlis decided to speed up discussions on a motion that, if approved, would have the government to guard the country’s nuclear rights.

173 out of the 205 present legislators voted ‘yes’ to the motion as support for giving it urgency status so that it would take precedence over regular ones.

If approved, the new bill will make the government cancel the Geneva interim deal in case U.S. imposes new sanctions and compel it to speed up nuclear activities which were limited as part of the agreement.

The bill holds that if the talks fail the government would be forced to resume its 20% uranium enrich program and restrict IAEA inspections of the nuclear sites beyond the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Iranian MPs also maintained that a "complete and quick” lifting of sanctions should be the basis for any comprehensive nuclear deal.

Iran and the 5+1 group (the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany) have been holding talks to secure a final comprehensive deal over Tehran’s nuclear energy program.

Since the interim deal was sealed in Geneva in November 2013, the negotiating sides have missed two self-imposed deadlines to ink a final agreement.

Under the Geneva agreement, the six countries accepted to ease sanctions against Iran in return for the Islamic Republic to limit certain aspects of its nuclear activities.

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