Paris (dpa) - Around 128 anti-Muslim acts were reported in France in the two weeks after the terrorist attacks in Paris by Islamist gunmen, almost as many as in all of last year, a watchdog said on Friday.Of those, 33 were acts against mosques and 95 took the form of insults or threats against Muslims, the National Observatory Against Islamophobia reported.

Last year, the Observatory reported 133 incidents, a 41-per-centdecline from 2013."These figures, however, do not reflect the reality of many Muslims,who do not submit complaints after xenophobic acts because they do not think the authorities will take action, which is unfortunately often the case," French media quoted Observatory president, Abdallah Zekri, as saying.Three Islamist gunmen earlier this month killed 17 people at a satirical magazine and a Jewish supermarket in Paris.
Also on Friday, Amedy Coulibaly, the gunmen who on January 9 killed four people at the Jewish supermarket was buried in an anonymous grave, the AFP news agency reported. Coulibaly also killed a policewoman before taking hostages at the supermarket.
Brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi had two days earlier killed 12people the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, which had published cartoons of the prophet Mohammed.
The attacks prompted France to boost counter-terrorism spending.