Environment org. announces plans to encourage use of electric cars

Young journalists club

News ID: 6062
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:28 - 18 January 2015
Tehran, YJC. Ebtekar has said her department will provide incentives for the use of electric vehicle as another step to facilitate the import of such cars.

Speaking on the sidelines of the unveiling ceremony of the electric car Sarina, Head of Iran’s Environmental Protection Organization Masoumeh Ebtekar said that the organization is trying to offer loans and other incentives for facilitating the purchase and use of electric vehicles.

The Iranian official provided comments on Tehran municipality's new plan on gasoline-powered motorcycle bans which is still pending implementation and added, "fighting air pollution particularly in major cities requires the introduction of much stricter standards.”

CEO of Diar Khodro Manufacturing Co. Mohammad Taghi Khanlou also told reporters that based on a number of agreements made between car manufacturers and the ministries of Petroleum and Energy, electric cars would be soon deployed in the country’s taxicab fleets.

"Based on the negotiations that we had with the ministries of Petroleum and Energy, the Ministry of Petroleum has agreed to help with the gasoline fuel of the cars and the ministry of energy will produce the charging devices,” he said.

Khanlou also noted that the electric car manufacturing company had a capacity to produce 42,500 vehicles per year.

In Dec. 2014, Iran unveiled a two-seater electric vehicle built by a group of students and professors in Qazvin Islamic Azad University.

On Saturday, the Tehran mayor Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf warned that air pollution in big cities could turn into a national disaster if necessary steps were not taken.

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