Nuclear negotiations to be held in January

Young journalists club

News ID: 5774
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 8:54 - 18 December 2014
Tehran, YJC. A top Iranian nuclear negotiator has said the next round of nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 group is to be held at the deputy level in January.
"The talks next month will also be held at the deputy foreign ministers level,” explained Abbas Araqchi, who is also deputy foreign minister for legal and international affairs of Iran.

His remarks came after nuclear negotiators from Iran and the six superpowers wrapped up talks on Iran’s peaceful nuclear program in the Swiss city of Geneva on Wednesday.

During this round of talks, which began on Monday, experts and deputy foreign ministers from Iran and the US held bilateral negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program.

Iranian representatives also held bilateral nuclear talks with delegations from Russia, France, and China separately.

The Geneva discussions which were held in three days had been organized 3 weeks after Tehran and the P5+1 failed to reach a final deal by a self-imposed November 24 deadline.

Despite considerable progress, Iran and the powers had failed to reach a final nuclear agreement during their previous talks which were held in Vienna, the capital of Austria.

As a result, Iran and the six powers agreed to extend their discussions by 7 months until July 1, 2015. They also agreed that the pervious deal which they had signed in Geneva last November remain in full force until that time.

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