Gen. Salami: Zionists to Pay High Price for Deadly Attacks on the Gaza Strip

Young journalists club

News ID: 57261
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 23:34 - 07 August 2022
Sunday,7 August 2022 (YJC)_ Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps warned Zionists against latest deadly attacks on the Gaza Strip.

Gen. Salami: Zionists to Pay High Price for Deadly Attacks on the Gaza StripIn a meeting with Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Palestinian resistance movement Ziad Al-Nakhalah, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami warned Zionists against latest deadly attacks on the Gaza Strip.

“A high price is waiting for its latest deadly attacks on the Gaza Strip for the Zionists Regime, a new era has begun for the resistance to take power,” he noted.

He went on to add that “the Palestinian resistance front has increased its power compared to the past, they have gained the ability to take the control of major wars.”

“The power of the Zionists shows decline

fifteen people have been killed and at least 100 others injured is reported as a result of Israeli airstrikes on residential areas in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Last May, Gaza’s resistance groups fired around 4,000 rockets during Operation Sword of Al-Quds after the Tel Aviv regime initiated its last war against the coastal enclave.

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